Whered JoeCumiasFryingPan go? (Other than into his exwifes head)

17  2019-08-04 by PhishInVa2

He talked about killing himself on Friday night....i havent seen em today....theres 20 new alts posting today so I assume his account got axed by Joe “Too scared of the Truth” DMCA Cumia. Fucking pussy. Really what kind of 60 year old grandfather does that type of shit? Hes such a worthless piece of shit


Let's hope he followed through. If you seriously bring up suicidal thoughts here rather than talking to someone in your support system or seeking actual help, you're an attention seeker

Agreed. As fun and funny as JCFP was, he does deserve to die for bringing it up here. Best case scenario he framed his suicide as Joe Cumias revenge murder and Joe ends up cellys w Kuhn.

He also repeatedly DM'd me about it. My response was "suicide is fag shit."

I have my own shit to deal with and people I love that I need to worry about. I don't want anyone to kill themselves but don't expect me to drive to your location to give you a hug.

I am very glad to hear that he didn't do it though.

You have loved ones to worry about so instead of putting all your effort into improving their lives you sit and write lyrics for a parody song about a stranger you've never met? Some family values.

Way to make it about yourself

Last I heard, he was driving to El Paso.

I heard he had gotten a room at Mandalay Bay.

We've got the bellhop bringing up ammo as we speak

He is one of those guys that makes new accounts all the time. Eventually he starts commenting on every single post, some people get annoyed by him, and then he’ll make a new account. If you remember MonsieurObliquy or ForceFeedNana or IdDotLoyingAwlroight or some shit like that, its likely the same guy. But heck,

Tha...that’s terrible, I’m sorry. Thought that dude was pretty funny.

He really needed to get of Reddit anyway. I like the dude but he had like 60,000 karma on a 5 months old acct which means he probably hasn't looked up from his phone the whole time

He has a new account. You'll see him around.

I think people suggested methods, I hope he used my suggestion if he did, 'cus it also involved a mildly amusing prank.

Doesn't seem likely that his account got axed the same day he killed himself. He is probably still around. Wish him the best

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.

Breaking news: losers are suicidal