We got another Sherrod here

3  2019-08-03 by DizzyTheme



Just to rush and tacklin'

And of course the white guy isn't going to press charges.

Way to go nigger.

Did Sherrod do something like this?

He assaulted some fag NYC comic a whole back.

Poor Mark Normand. Physically attacked by Sherrod and chased around the hallways by Kevin Brennan who was chanting faggot at him. No wonder he’s jonesing for a hang with Jerry

I love how he reflexively resorts to some bizarre just because I’m the only black guy here defense. Dude, everyone was calm and you went berserk and explosively violent. They even tried to peacefully restrain you and you attacked those people, but they still somehow showed restraint. Then you smashed a window and were screaming. Everyone else was perfectly calm the entire time. I’ve never seen a violent outburst handled that calmly. That dude’s mentally ill. Even the hipsters weren’t afraid of him. What a dork.

and ofc the nig is with a white chick. thanks (((guys)))

Don’t shoot up a Walmart