Shocking new developments in the Joe vs Bobo case

117  2019-08-02 by SpiralStatic90



It's Bobo, all right.

Flowers For Bobo



Book readin is fer FAGS city slicker!

Ant has a lot in common with Charley too, like his urge to inspect the filthy panties of an underage girl

How disgusting for Joe to post a doctored version of this original. Imuh-jer can be easily manipulates. Didn’t he teach us that?!

And i thought he didn't know dick about the internet

I can't believe Bobo stood up to pedophile-defending tyrant Joe. Good job

He's loying.


Holy shit Joe. What do you have to say about this one?? Now we know 100% FACT that you let a CONVICTED PEDOPHILE into your HOME. 😎

I-MAH-JUR strikes again.

I'm surprised Dr. Kurlan allowed himself to be used like this for so long

Agent Bobo Daniels, Retarded FBI


Joe is so retarded he's apparently the one screenshotting and sharing this

Bobo did get on the show more

Unclenches fist; drops mic.

*Slow Show of Bobo Unclenching his Fist, walking away non retardedly and getting into a convertible*

" you don't even look Japanese, Pete. "


He's supposed to be retarded. Some say his father was idiotic. Nobody ever wanted to listen to him. Nobody ever tolerated him or met anybody that ever liked him. But to hear Kurt Love tell it, anybody could have been repulsed by Bobo. You never knew; that was his power. The greatest trick the Bobo ever pulled was convincing the world to donate to his Patreon.

One story Sue Lightning told me, the story I believe, was from his days in Jamaica, Queens. There were three fags that wanted their own radio show. They realized that to be boring, you didn't need talent or interesting guests or even heterosexuality. You just needed stuttering retards who panic when people impersonate their mothers. After a while, they got their own show and then they come after Bobo. He had giant flabby jowls then, just stealing money and giving it to his cunt sister, they say. They come to his home O&A noon to three, looking for his schnoodle. They find Shannon, Mrs. Bobo, and Mr. Malonagens in the house and decide to wait for the Bobes. He comes home to find his sister raped by Anthony Cumia and mother rolling her eyes. Opie and Jimmy knew Soze was awful, not to be trifled with, so they let him know they meant business.

They tell him they want him off the air, all kickstarter money. Bobo looks over the faces of his family. Then he showed these tranny-fuckers and pedophiles what humor really wasn't.

Bobo tells him he would rather see Rosie and Mr. Maboobicans dead than live another day after this. He lets the blonde with the big dick go, waits until Anthony was fired and Jimmy dead from AIDS, and then he goes after the rest of the staff. He suckles on Lisa Tefft's big beautiful tits. He circumcizes Sam. He tried to ruin Troy's life but realizes Troy has no life. He drools on the carpet, shatters Jimmy's smartphone. He bores the listeners and drives them away in droves.

And like that, he's still fucking here. Unbearable. Nobody wants him around. He becomes an irritant, a spick story that neurotypicals tell their kids at night. 'Buy a Sirius receiver and Bobo Kurlan will get you.' But no one ever really listens to Jim & Sam.


what are you referring to?