Joe Cumia needs to inject himself with testosterone because he is a weak little pussy who has 50% body fat and swelled tits filled with estrogen

59  2019-08-02 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

And this is a fact. Nothing alleged about it.


He's likely lactating

Cows are known for their plentiful milk

He’s also a goo gobbler

Easily 300 lbs at this point.

He’ll never see it like this.

Joe Cumia sees his TRT as a sign of affluence that puts him on the same level as Joe Rogan. He feels like it’s his way of beating death and a personal access to the fountain of youth. That’s why he brags about it on Facebook.

Again totally oblivious to the thousands of people who mock him just for that.

I resemble this remark

I'd pay money to get a body composition test done on Joe. Where they dunk him in water, use the calipers and all so he can't deny he is a lump of shit

My guess is he’s prob over using it and not running AI (which would interfere with his drinking)

Also, if you don’t workout when on test; you’ll gain a whole bunch of fat. Add alcohol to the mix and you’re well on your way to getting a nice set of bitch tits.

Yeah, I was wondering what the point was for someone who clearly doesn't exercise.

He already has booze bloat. Maybe his liver will tap out

Like most lardos, Moo Cow Joe is deathly afraid of having his empty belly gurgle, like he'll keel over and die if he doesn't eat every sixty minutes. So he thinks his magical injections will make the blubber melt away and gift him with huge massive muscles. He is 6-1, though.