Reminder: Joe was posting as Doxxer100 and OpieCakeStomp while simultaneously trashing himself as Fiat_Barbie

37  2019-08-02 by George_W_Kush_911


wicked web we weave.....

It’s a tough one man, for sure.

He really mutherfucked himself.

He’d tell us if he was lying, genuinely.

He got lost.



he's a l33t h4x0r with multiple identities, be careful guys.

Trained by the best, the geek squad

Fiat_Barbie is a great username.

1/10th of this creativity used against Crooked Keith the Thief... and Compound Media would be a money making machine today under 82nd Airborne Joe's leadership.

Keith comes here and shit posts like the rest of us, once a “pest” always a “ pest”. Joe would like to be a shot poster but that pesky narcissism always gets in the way.

i'm telling you. most of the early Anti-Joe posts go back to Keith the Cop for sure.

He had easy pickings with Joe being so weak that users had no choice but to pile on.

This is when Keith achieved his goal and bound Joe's time and resources to this sub, rendering Joe unable to question Keith's incompetence and money squandering.

I legitimately think keith did an ama to get us to sub to cp media and said something about joe being "not up to it" when asked why he is running things.

It was u/FiatBarbie, but that was one of the tons of "SamRobertsPhiltrum" alts which he's since deleted. Another one of Joe's alts is u/BrotherJoesCunt though.

Gives warm fuzzies knowing he holds us in such high regard.


He has spent more time here than any other person.

4D chess by the man with 44D chests

Joe is a man of many faces... all of them ugly and fat.

Schizo fuck