Joe cumia has Alzheimer’s

23  2019-08-01 by killgav

No one can progressively get this much dumber on a daily basis, karmas a bitch no one will visit you Joe except for sub users when they want someone to punch in the face.


I hope Joe and Ant end up next to Lady di. Opie does one of his podcasts from the care home. Only Di remembers him. She still thinks she's on a ship. Joe is the chef.

the navy could use few more recruits.

And every day, all day, every fifteen minutes, Di passes by the Cumia brothers' shared Medicaid room and says...


Now that you mention it, visiting Alzheimer’s riddled Brother Dumb to punch around as a stress release would be lovely. I hope Layla finds out about her mongoloid dad betting her life on an obvious lie about being friends with a convicted child rapist and sets it up for us down the line.


I'll visit him like Gus fring used to visit Hector salamonca.

He’s always been really really dumb. He barely made sense when he called into the show. Really dumb.