Who were your favorite regulars? who was your favorite guest?

6  2019-07-31 by NortonsGapingAsshole

During the shows run, who were your favorite regulars and who was your favorite guest? My personal favorite regulars were, Colin Quin, Patrice O’Neal and Nick Dipalo. Mohr, Rogan, burr and Voss all had there moments but nick Patrice and Colin made me laugh the most. My favorite guest ever was Ron Pearlman, he was funny as fuck


Happy Typing Girl. Definitely didn’t bring the show to a screeching halt when pests were on the show.

Someone has to blow Ron, and Earl's black so he's out.

That Nervous Oscar intern was fucking hilarious

I'll second that. His cocaine story went nowhere but I was on the edge of my seat the entire time

He was great. Lady Di interning for the week was also good.

recurring was patrice or cq, favourite non regular was probably that dahmer detective guy

Pat Cooper

89th birthday today

Dat niggah's dead.


Pat Cooper

Pat Cooper (born Pasquale Caputo July 31, 1929) is an American actor and comedian.

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bit ruiner

“Hey! How are ya?”

Best regular: Diana Orbani

Best guest: Ron Sage

I liked the porn whore who took the patriarchy to task. YAAAS QUEEN SLAAAYY!!!

Everything else was bad and I regret ever listening.

Intern David always brightens my day. “Its a yarrtzite candle.”

Your sisters ass

Mark Normand's fake sex stories sucked.

Jimmy Fortran's real sex stories ruled.

That intern who didn't know how to boil eggs.

Voss each and every time.

Not Bonnie McFarlaine.

Of course, Colin Quinn.

Bobo was and will always forever be a retard.