To any Jim and Sam interns out there

93  2019-07-31 by AaltonEverallys

If Jim ever comes in sounding congested, like he can’t smell or taste anything, you should exchange his vitamin water or whatever fruity shit he drinks with some Burnetts 100 proof. When he takes a sip and spits it out, you should yell APREL FAHLLS! And then splash the contents of the cup all over him and throw a lit zippo into his face.


Just make sure someone is there recording it.

world star!

Go for Bacardi 151 (as in 151 proof), comes with a flammable warning on the bottle

I was trying to go with a clear liquid like water. I guess everclear would be ideal

Spirytus rektyfowani or some shit like that. Polish spirit 91% 182 proof. Actually sold in stores around me

Could you actually light it with a zippo easily?

I was working in a bar about 12 years ago when i served it to a guy and was assured this was true by my boss. Told me not to fuck around with it.

I like the twist ending when it turns into a serious crime.

No jurisdiction will prosecute it if there is no damage to the studio

Do you think he’d be more mad at the alcohol or his face being lit on fire?

tsss, i dunno man, it's a real tough one, i mean he'll only have to make one phone call about the face-on-fire thing

You can't get charged for burning worms

Boy would Jim be hot under the collar! And the rest of his body and clothes.

Luckily he has no chin so the fire would engulf his pigeon chest as the booze rolled down his face

In the industry we call this a 'bait and switch'.

This would be the funniest shit that ever happened on that pile of shit show

and then put the fire out with a ball peen hammer

Sick burn

We need a hot chick to strike up a relationship with him for a while and then serve him home made chocolate mousse laced with rum.

I'm loving this idea. But since he's not really an alcoholic also include an opium based drug in the mousse. We might be able to go fund me this shit

Any of you here who live in NY willing to become an intern just to get on air and call them faggots and quit?


Such injuries would only bring him and Anthony closer together

Imagine the unholy, shrieking, impotent meltdown Jim would have if you poured alcohol on him.

He’d be more pissed before the zippo cause at least the fire would burn away the evil evil booze