Reminder: on air they discussed anthony getting whooping cough from a kid

23  2019-07-30 by cro-magnon_sam

Also they discussed him taking the kid he was dating to a pediatrician.


Anthony pretended to be embarrassed by the story but actually though I made him look cool as fuck

He really disgusts me. Another thing i hate is how he hated gene simmoms for pulling the "i cam fuck your girl because im rich" then tranth did that shit constantly on people that called in and on his twitter.

Yes, ant was massively butt blasted over that. And short Jew Dovid does the same thing

Who was the Celebrity that called him out? Olivia munn? She was like, oh wow you have a pool and a movie theatre? Does that worn on girls?

Anth idolizes the approval of young women. Because he rejects his own aging old man life, he tries to avoid it with hair dye, plugs, targeted workouts, and drinking to seem youthful to appeal to his only God ... teenage girls. For some reason he sees youth as the deciding quality

He also missed out on pussy for his entire high school and early adult life. He’s trying to make up for that in his 60s by targeting teenagers

A pedo what


That mother fucker is so old he barely missed the polio epidemic. My dad was born in 48 in the deep South and got polio right before they had the vaccine available. I'm surprised ant didn't catch the polio as well. Old fuck.

What are the odds of the pediatrician recommending that AntH get the adult pertussis vaccine as the grandparent of the patient?