Should I bother putting back up?

93  2019-07-29 by schleiderftw

So basically I downloaded all the content from the site and backed it up before they finally terminated my account, and purchased webhosting from a company in a certain Asian country that doesn't give a shit about what you host on it.

I uploaded everything there and pointed the domain over to it, but now I'm wondering if it's even worth it. It's just become a breeding ground for retards trying to take this sub down for some reason.

Should I just restrict posting and unrestrict it in the event that this sub gets shut down? Or just scrap it altogether?


Somebody had the idea to make the whole thing a chatroom, I liked that idea. I guess an offsite content dump would be nice but with all the dmca’s flying around it’d be annoying.

Yeah that's what I was thinking. I'd keep the chatbox open regardless of anything.

Does that mean I have to talk to you because I really don't wanna.

I just like reading about Kumeea pedos going moo and some such.

It would be interesting if this whole thing just became an IRC channel

There are multiple Discord servers. They're all faggoty cancer.

If you've gone this far, you might as well put it up. Keep it wild, if the hosting company doesn't mind, and if this place happens to blow up, we can meet there if anyone is left.

Sounds reasonable

Yeah we need a back up site for when Reddt gets fucky again and we need to direct people to the sub, or until a Reddit clone that isn’t a piece of shit exists.

You don't think saidit is a good website? Nyehehehehehe

You can have your free speech as long as you Follow the fucking pyramid.

The Great Tetrahedron of Discourse.


That sounds like a good deal to me. Sign me up!

We overwhelmed their whole shit instantly but they were cool guys. They didn't jump the gun. They conversed. We spoke. They could have completely fucking ruined us but they believe in free speech and even though we are the hated conservative white Nazis (even though I'm none of those) they let us piddle around until we decided it wasn't a great fit.

They've done nothing shitty to us that I know of.

Yepa Yepa Yepa.

Except they have a bad website

Who uses bad websites

It was supposed to be an off-site refugee camp. We'd post here and then if banned, we'd regroup there.

Instead a splinter cell decided to only post there and became irrationally jealous of our hive.

There's a few guys who hate the mods because they want free reign to shitpost constantly and ignore the rules of the site. Those bad eggs are rooning it for everyone.

I don't have a good solution but reopening it would seemingly only give them more moxie to fuck us up. I don't know man. It's a tough one.

Man chaos theory was so good. Did you play it online? Spies vs mercs was the shit.

Rooning, you say!?

They've ROONED it!

There's a few guys who hate the mods because they want free reign to shitpost constantly and ignore the rules of the site.

no, they hate the mods because they literally ban people for absolutely no reason. from what i can tell its mainly that johhnycakes faggot. timallen, louiecuck, ichise, etc were banned for shitposting, no rules broken.

but keep licking the boots of the mods you stupid shitheads. hang yourselves

Do not upload a bulletin board or message board up there. You are only asking for trouble for yourself. If you really want to be the platform to help us organize when we're down, look into a Reddit clone and don't put the site back up until it's figured out. Either that, or just make the whole site a chat box where you can pin certain comments for people to see all day long.

Remember some retard from discord said it was his ox moron or some shit by taking down Sams_sees

Magnus opus

Couldn't they still fuck you over in court even if your hosting company doesn't comply with US authorities? I don't really know how that entire DMCA shit works.


I wasn't aware that it's all about hate speech. Good thing you're trying to keep the thing on topic.

It's true. I follow this saga and it's developing kinda nice. Some people like short action movie's. I prefer a slow long series about a deranged fatman where we find horrible details about his dark past along the line.

Those retards who are obsessed with him managed to make a celebrity out of a nobody. Now that loser has a panel where he can charge money to talk about his victimhood status and his victory against "alt right terrorist trolls". Fucking morons.

Got his twitter back too & up to 41.1k followers. He's even posted a link to the voat sub named after him. Some retard actually tweeted 'grabbed your book on audible because fuck nazis'.

He'll probably make more money as a result of it all than he would've ever done in the first place.

Quite hilarious. He's awful and obnoxious but above all, he is boring. It stopped being funny a long time ago.

What if it was all a false flag? I HAVE THE DOCUMENTS


He paid a lawyer to get him back on twitter hahahaha

Lets get it shut down then

I never got on the PST train, aside from my hilarious parody of Twas the Night Before Christmas. His TWELVE tweet "abbreviated recap" of what happened is enough to push me, an otherwise lovable, bored, autistic scamp, to hit him twice as hard.

Holy SHIT IS HE A LONG WINDED, SELF-ASSURED NOTHING. Humble-bragging-while-SJWing that he was "privileged" to have the "financial resources" to "pay a retainer that can run into the thousands of dollars".

What cut rate, Deep Discount lawyers are you using that "can" run into the thousands of dollars? Three hours for a good lawyer is over $1,000.

No one gives a shit about a white male's victimization. Especially the crowd he is peddling to. His amazon books sales (updated daily) are still in the gutter. He can spin whatever narrative he wants, no one gives a shit what he has to say.


You don't have to let them in. Yeah, this community is about free speech but I don't see why that gives people a right to be perpetually unfunny and detrimental towards the 99% of us who are here to laugh by attempting to shut us down because we didn't enjoy their 'jokes'. There isn't any humor in their racism, which is sad because racist humor is almost impossible to fuck up.

I was on there 'til the whole DMCA issue came up. I wrote you saying thanks anyway for the gesture and for sticking your neck out there for us. Honestly, I think maybe you were a little naive to think they wouldn't turn the place into Chernobyl but it's not like you should deserve to be shat on because something didn't work out.

Do it again but don't take shit from the dregs, they are the lowest of our low for a reason

This is the nicest most normal thing ever posted here.

Congrats 🎊🍾🎈

Fuck you then too greedy cumia

Shut up, stupid

Thats a retarded statement. Racist humor is funny as hell.

I didn't say it wasn't. i said that these clowns aren't funny and that what they do isn't humor (i'll give you a pass because i worded it terribly). If i wanted to read some yokel typing KikeNiggerFaggot into the internet, 8chan is a click away but i don't, because that shit is for fucking goons.

That’s the point. Racist humor is great. Posting “fucking hooknose Jew kikes should all be gassed !!!!” 300 times a day is forgetting the humor part.

299 times is fine but 300 is just beating a dead horse.

Right? I mean there’s limits to everything.

We UHH-FENDED some people.

'no bosses, no management' It worked out as well for us as it did for Ant.

Use the reddit-style software. That forum you are using is ass.

Stop using internet explorer

It's not Internet Explorer you bovine staring retard.


Did you manage to save my fanfic about Patrick beating us all up easily and throwing us out of Hooligan's roadhouse style? I was kind of proud od how well that turned out.

Can you restrict posts to text only? Can someone even file a DMCA for text posts? That way you wont have to worry about images/gif/video content, at least for the time being. People can post links to third party sites maybe, but don't allow anything to be uploaded. I don't know if that's enough to avoid DMCA, just a thought.

As others have already said, just keep it as the chat box only. Plenty of people are already registered there and everyone knows to go there in case this place goes down.

Keep it just in case brother.


Carol Maxheinie, a woman of taste and tact, asked me to tell you that the reinstatement of the website would be a good move and VERY much appreciated.

You have to change the UI of that place. It's so bad that it turns people away.

Eh fuck it

You really are a massive attention whore. Do it or don't, but the fact you're already making SpaceEdge level decrees is not a good sign.

who cares, site was always shit. everyone has consistently regrouped on reddit every fucking time.

Damn they still talking about Pat'Ofile? Unless the billboard was put up should be a done deal. Its good to have a place to fall back on. But i think it was good at the start but then a few guys got in and the whole chat went to shambles.



sure, having an alternative to this is always a good idea.



The part that pisses me off the most,

He acts like we went after him because of some political horse shit. like he ever said anything worthy of being targeted.

His fat face said norm wasn’t funny and we found him insufferable. bitchass wannabe martyr.

While you are absolutely correct, repeating that shit ad absurdum only leads to him getting a bigger audience. You know, that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" proverb/fallacy retards on either end of the political spectrum subscribe to.

It was a cold, dark night in space.


We need a spot to regroup

Why can we post about Joe nonstop but not the fat sci fi hack? As long as we aren't posting anything that can be DMCA'd I see no reason why that faggot should get a pass.

This goes for here too.

Because Joe is too stupid to figure out how DMCA works.


That fat faggot got back on Twitter ?!? Fawk

Watch it, you're in ban territory

We definitely need a backup, but you might as well ban all the retarded faggots obsessed with Pat & screwing over the subreddit.

We're still hilarious.


Feed Nana.

Leave it up, Nigger


Go for it, you can't let bovine people win.

He’s coming for you lol