JoeH! I'll bet dollars to donuts he was a Trump supporter...

5  2019-07-29 by Rich_Vos_Rolex



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What the fuck is an AK-47 style rifle?

Either it's an AK-47 or it's not.

Sticking up for gun rights, still downvoted by Joe

Go play on Splash Mountain, stupid

The type of question reserved for LIBTARDS


OH, how supremely white


Nice lazy eye / fish lips combo, stupid

The fucker killed 2 kids. I wish they had captured that carp alive so they could've skinned him.

Nice killing a brown kid with a whiter name than you, stupid

Those scummmbag reporters interviewed the kids father right after his son died.

They should all have to adopt homeless black heroin addicts as punishment.

Joe's going to be the next alt-right mass shooter and will leave a manifesto blaming this sub.

Some on this sub are pretty good at deciphering JoeH's ramblings. Maybe they should write it for him so people might understand what the fuck he's trying to say.

He won’t even chamber the first round before he is shot. The lummox fails at everything. He’ll probably shoot himself by accident before getting there.

Who shoots up a Garlic festival? I mean I know Count Cumia would have to otherwise he'd turn into dust, but he doesn't have the means to shoot anything right now.

The Aut Right really is retarded