How many times do you think these three have fucked?

8  2019-07-29 by ZombieRoeCumia


SAMCRO with the Jameson (pre-driving, of course).

Everyone gives Dawn the benefit of the doubt but she seems pretty complicit in all these images of her brother's pretending to grab her tits and creepshots of her fat ass.

She's the best Cumia, but I mean... still a ratfuck Cumia.

JoeH, CarolH, and DawnH.

Each other or total?

What do you think? They don’t call him “Incest Joe” for nothing.

How many Call Of Duty shirts does this 65 year old man own? What an embarrassment. Where a nice shirt to a family party, you fat fuck.

Lot of powder residue on that table it seems

All that Veagria he had to snort to get is little Louisville Sausage to shake like a retard in the snow.