Is this sub aware of *that* sci-fi author's return to twitter?

5  2019-07-29 by ProfessionalCrump


Same twitter handle as before, children.

Anthony Cumia? Yeah, he came back a few months ago.

We just throw around the word “author” around here?

Around and around and around and around ...

No, at least I'm not. Give us some breadcrumbs so we can find him, but be subtle.

Same handle as before. In fact, I found out while perusing Lynn's twitter. He retweeted him.

Thanks, bud.

Just look for a fat douchebag speed posting around happy hour acting like they are smarter than everyone else but when challenged on anything they say, succumb to blocking you like they are God. Can't be that hard to notice.


Fuck that dumb monkey. Who gives a shit. That piece of shit and the faggots that wouldn't let shit go can go fuck themselves.
Bitch and complain like women about sjws and then do the same faggot bullshit. Also Joe Cumia has his ass gaped daily, and is a bum loser.

Also Joe Cumia has his ass gaped daily, and is a bum loser.

This is fair.

Imagine caring about a social media account so much that you spend a bunch of money on trying to get it restored.

He does make 6 figures.

I was ready to not care but I read that whole thing and holy shit what a spaz.

I havent seen the current updates on this guy in a while. Seems exhausting but they are still trying.

The Rocket will do what The Rocket has to do.

Fuck off?

commit suicide?

I up voted both because that's funny

Can't you guys just create a PTS subreddit or would he shut that down?