“The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name.” (Luke 24:46-47)

5  2019-07-29 by timallenonacid


To the Moderators, who worked as The Romans once did, to silence the words of our Lord:

7,777 Hail Marys

To Saint u/TheGhostofAbeVigoda who bravely stood to protect our Lord’s gospel when no one else would:

May Christ bless your soul, liberate you from temptation and exonerate you of any sins. Amen. 🙏🏻

To the rest of you, who lazed in ignorance while the Devil wrapped his sinful claws around each one of your souls.. Shame. 777 Hail Marys and not one less.

After being unjustly silenced by the very sinful and corrupt moderators, presumably also guilty of gluttony and pilfering. I continued my plight as a martyr, guiding my parish r/OurLordnSaviourJC with the help of the incredibly blessed u/StentFeznor and my local reverend, Father Theodore Peodor. It warms my heart that so many spoke in favour of allowing me to continue to spread the Lord’s teachings here, the most sinful place on the Internet. It demonstrates to me that there is hope for all of us and we should never give up on ourselves, or our fellow man. I fear, however, for many here.. our Lord will be very stubborn with his forgiveness. Perhaps it’s best to ask after he’s had his milk and Cheerios in the morning so he’s in a better mood. I’ll pray for you all. Even the sinful moderators. You are all forgiven by me.

who worked as The Romans once did, to silence the words of our Lord

Thessalonians 2:14. 2:15.

The thing I love most about you is how severe your hail Mary punishments are.


Grats for summoning this fucking faggot, cunts.

I’ll pray for you but I fear it will do no good. You seem to be completely lost. 😔

I'll light a candle for him but I don't know what else to fawkin tell ya


Father Brotherman!

It's been too long. Things have deteriorated since you've been gone. Ayeaeeyeah. I can breathe for the first time.

yes, it does look bleak.

We must rely on The Holy Spirit. God and Jesus been busting their asses and The Holy Spirit is just chillin. DO SOMETHING YOU FUCKING FRIENDLY GHOST ASS CASPER MOTHERFUCKER

Good to see the moral compass of the sub is back posting again.