Shocking new footage of moo brain emerges

53  2019-07-28 by DumbCowJoe


This man is a monster. What a bad (or sick) guy!

not since Arnold Friedman has Long Island seen something like this.

Its fucked that the logo is half a swastika. What a piece of shit

A half swastika with barbed wire running across it no less. On a t-shirt that's advertising his brother's company that he has no part of while he's also wearing a SOA beanie indoors.

It's hard to put into words how much of a dolt Joe is.

He knew he was going to be filmed. And that's how he chose to dress.

It was that or the call of duty t-shirt

I’ve seen joe in 2 different call of duty t shirts. Only people I see on call of duty shirts are junkies and 12 year olds

Downloaded and archived, you know, just in case.


Fantastic piece of cinema, but I feel this is still the director's most satisfying and ambitious film to date:

Wow, when a timeline of photos is laid out like that, it makes it so embarrassingly obvious that he's had extensive work done.

I laughed so hard and deeply that I started coughing. HO LEE SHIT.