This is the Greek God of spite, envy, and resentfulness. He can only feed on egg whites and cum, and lives high in the sky in an empty box. The mythological, pin-headed Titan Kenny follows him everywhere and protects him from mortals.

12  2019-07-27 by ILoveWhores69


I like this take. There's a definite folk tale/mythic element to the way he surrounds himself with photos of people who essentially don't know him and don't care about him. I think Hans Christian Andersen could have had a field day with that.

It makes me wonder how disappointed he truly is about his relationship with Ozzy. Conversations with him are probably painful and frustrating, and the hero image Jim built in his head must be shattered by now.

But he won't admit it because he's such a fucking phony.

Sharuuuuun! Get this little bald thing away from me! Bloody ell, ee's borin' as fuck Sharun. Please never bring that thing round ere again.

It's funny how Jim quite literally worships this life-long, unrepentant alcoholic and drug addict, yet he chastises 'average' people for dabbling with any drugs/drink.

It's almost as if he's completely unprincipled.

I like the Titan/Cyclops Kenny protecting him from the world aspect, because his mother was overbearing and he never grew up. Textbook case of arrested development. Kenny is now his replacement mother figure. He needs someone to take care of him; so he can feign social skills in a desperate and futile attempt at climbing the social ladder. He's a developmentally stunted narcissist.

God of Bore

Vurrry good

Kenny abandoned Jimmy when he realized Schumer actually had real gigs