The face you make when you can smell someone’s O’Douls from the next room. “It still has .5% ABV ssscummbagggg! Where’s my sponsor?”

54  2019-07-27 by AaltonEverallys



This is the Greek God of spite, envy, and resentfulness. He can only feed on egg whites and cum, and lives high in the sky in an empty box. The mythological, pin-headed Titan Kenny follows him everywhere and protects him from mortals.

Remember when this dumbfuck hack ran out of the studio and called his sponsor because he saw a pot brownie? I hope he gets stabbed in the neck with a dirty needle like that guy in Narc.

To think Louis CK gave him a gig ACTING on HB fucking O, and he still threw him under the bus at the slightest sign of trouble.... I'm AMAZED at bewilderment.

What is that from? Who brought the pot brownie?

It's from when Norton lumped his "addiction" in with Artie's & tried to give him some solid advice.

The whole thing is profoundly contrived. He is such a wormy phony.

I don't know who this product is for. Alcoholics won't drink it, non-alcoholics have no reason to drink it because they can just drink real beer without ruining their lives if they want to, and when I went to AA nobody there drank it because of that tiny percentage of alcohol.

So how is this shit still taking up fridge space on shelves in every supermarket in the country? Also, never seen an ad for it. I've seen ads for a million beers and liquors but never O'Doul's.

I looked it up on YouTube and all the odouls commercials I could find were from 90-93

There’s a guy that comes into the club every week and drinks two bottles because he’s been obsessed with this old ass bartender we have for 30 years.

And our bar back alternates between real beer and O’Douls while he’s cleaning at the end of the night. But he’s a spick so I don’t know if that’s some sacred Nicaraguan cleaning ritual.

I love this picture. I'm gonna start a paper route right now