Joe Cum thinks that Norton was the first person to ever put “stupid” at the end of a sentence.

29  2019-07-27 by suirogerg

This just adds to the evidence for his incredible stupidity.


Joe has been called stupid probably his whole entire life.

Why would he think that?

Great point.

Joe has been called stupid probably his whole entire life.

Joe is 60 years old and look how unfathomably stupid he is now.

I cannot imagine what a blithering retard he was in his teens/20s.

Stolen from Keith robinson

Who stole it from CQ

Nice abbreviation, stupid

Nice trashing one of the few people the O&A still has respect for, stupid.


I missed a word.

_Nice post, stupid

Got eem

you just lost the crowd.

Nice way to mis-credit stupid, stupid.

you civilians just don’t understand the craft that goes into “nice shirt, stupid”

Nice attempt at thinking, stupid

I called Joe this morning. He called me a cunt.

You were both right

Are you suggesting Joe has never been invited to the Cellar table?