(11:20) bitch shit your dumb ass up

0  2019-07-27 by StutterinPrickYou


Bill Burr name drop 14:05

"Won't somebody please think of the children?"

Will this be as irredeemably shitty as his last two pictures?

Django Unchained: Universal acclaim $400mil B/O

Hateful Eight Generally favorable reviews $155mil B/O

Some reddit faggot: Yeah, they sucked.

At Least you didn’t take his opinion personally.

They did suck, stupid. Of course the faggot critics loved them. You’re in good company.

Of course the faggot critics loved them

DU: 91% audience score on RT H8: 76% audience score on RT

You want to keep going or are you done sounding like an idiot?

It was really good

I'm probably going tomorrow. I have a free movie pass and there's nothing else I'm even slightly interested in seeing lately.