Serious question.

2  2019-07-27 by aRTie02150

This thread will probably get deleted but do any of you fellas ever have suicidal thoughts? I'm talking legitimate suicidal thoughts. If so, how do you deal with them? I'm not trying to be dramatic here, I'm just curious to how you cope with those types of thoughts, if you have them.

In other words, I'm looking for some pointers here.


To be clear, this has nothing to do with the possibility of this place getting shut down.

Yes it does cutie

There are several subs on Reddit that are all about helping people out of the dark and have actual therapists/counselors who are very active, so use those.

I'm not the type of person who asks for help from those who I'm not familiar with.

Sorry that I consider people here to be dear to me seeing as we all have similar interests.

I get it though. Sorry.

I have to remove it because admins will find it another strike against us to ban us. If this post stays live, as soon as mods look away, the trolls will tell you to kill yourself.

Anyway, are you in USA? 1-800-273-8255 is the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. It's anonymous and not judging. There are also many local state and city organizations that have local phone numbers and websites who want to help.

Thanks. I'll look into it.

Please do. The people on the other end of those lines aren't there because they have to be there and hate their jobs. They actually give a shit and want you to feel better.

It'll be a tough one seeing as I've been seeing a court appointed therapist once a month for the past couple of years and have spoken probably less than 20 minutes of dialogue to the guy. He tries, but I just sit there because I either hate, or don't know how to talk about this stuff at all.

Maybe the phone will help, who knows. TYFYS.

"court appointed" being the key words there. It's not someone you chose. They were forced on you. Try calling that phone number. If you don't like the person you're speaking with, they'll understand, so ask for someone else. The volunteer arena is definitely the way to go sometimes because they are not there at all for a paycheck.


I'm sorry I called you a faggot before. You're not a faggot.

You're an artist. All creative people are mental. It's OK. Be well.

Yes constantly

I will be your guide to suicide

Cum wid me alroighte?

Almost everyone does whether they admit it or not, and yes I have to remove this.


He's right to do so.

It has nothing to do with the show, comedy, or any other podcasts.

I get it.


Lol you dick

Oh god you got a niggas ribs hurting today

Stop removing this

Why do you have to remove this?

My boy needs us

Johnny Cakes, stick up for your boys, fucker