What a PIG !

10  2019-07-27 by SteveTech74


I cannot be bothered to watch this.

Must be a cheat day, or something similarly feminine.

"Ugck! I'm a pig! I'm consuming a small amount of food from a culture that the empire I support has almost completely obliterated. Yecch! Are there yolks in this? I mean, mmm! Yolks! When in Rome, right, fellas? (vomits)

Eating dinner with his agent. Must be a tough gig to represent the worm

“Look at me, I’m doing exquisite dinning with my agent, posting this under the guise of self deprecating humor, but in actuality I’m flexing for any current female comics who may want to open for me and enjoy this lavish lifestyle on the road.”

Nice "dining", stupid.

Buried me, dummy.

Great take on this but it's actually more sinister, he is using his agent as a flex:""" look who is representing me, he also reps for [insert A lister former comic] imagine what he could do for you if I put a good word in. Now shit in my mouth. Before the jacuzzi""

I can't believe I used to enjoy that sack of shit.

Enjoy your faggy hipster ethnic cuisine. Ill eat steak and potatoes every day and still not grow tits that one of my tranny girlfriends would be jealous of

Take comfort in the fact that 90% of their dishes has some sort of alcoholic beverage infused bullshit(which ofc evaporates during cooking but imagine explaining that to theres sugar in salt guy)

I somehow doubt Levantine cuisine is typically made with alcohol.

I wonder if he's dining another Norweigan fella again.