Never been in the presence of Kurt Love but I was this one occasion your honor.

23  2019-07-26 by ShiIIyFaggot


Tough guy Joe, booting people outta AntH’s home.

Then taking video of them in his own home.

He booted him out of AntHs house in order to bring him into his own house

"What the hell, Jeff, I thought you were MY friend, why are you delivering kids to my BROTHER?"

Poor Joe felt betrayed by his best friend, I can understand his frustration.

Joe is just not good at lying. Didnt have to swear on your daughter. Im starting to think this joe guy is a shitty person.

Joe has a petite brain

No child should have to suffer the pain of being Joe Cumia’s daughter

“What am I doing? You’re in myyyy fucking house.”

Vurry good

Joe Cumia is a compulsive liar

the plot thickens