Sounds pretty accurate to me, Ron.

66  2019-07-26 by StentFeznor


Dennis Farrell

Him and Fred need more bashing

The World Series of pedophiles

Look at stupid Fred from Brooklyn, u/Doxxer100 that's you in 5 years.

He looks like Rufus from Bum Fights.

While Anthony is Bling Bling

Poker? Depends, how old is she?

That one picture of the guy drinking the beer and taking the selfie with table behind him is one of the most infuriating pictures I’ve ever seen.

But he's taunting us lowly losers! He's at the cool kids club, where they have BEER and CARDS, isn't that cool?! I bet they're even letting some off-color humor fly!

Compound parties and poker nights were a thing to maybe envy, maybe 10 years ago. Now it’s just a bunch of middle aged men hanging out playing cards. If I wanted to see that I’d invite my father and his friends for a poker night at my house.

Any footage that has come out of that place has been sad. I cant say jealousy has ever been how I feel when new photo/vids pops up.

10 years ago it was the exact same crowd, the only difference would be a few young girls he was grooming because he still had money then.

I hope there's some karaoke later!

With that gay little stage that Anthony built so that he can feel like a big rock star.

And not just any beer but Bud Light. A beer that anybody over the age of 19 should not be drinking.

I hope this is real but I doubt Ron Oerlman has given Joe any thought at all

Fled Flom Blookryn

Dog kicking? I didn't know the Opester hung at the Compound.

Chester should have kept his head on a swivel. What else can I tell ya, brotherman?

Sounds like good ways to describe Perlman's co-ethnics to me

Fucking kike

Hilarious stuff, man.

Fred from Brooklyn has a kickable face. Stupid squinty eyed grumpy racist fucking Jew.

Imagine being jewish and thinking you're racially superior to anyone

The only person I'd rather see suffering is Dennis Farrell. Right until the end.

I want him to pick up his teeth with broken fingers.

I'd rather he didn't have hands at all, but here we can compromise! It's beautiful.

This will be his prize soon as he picks up his final tooth: both appendages severed by a rusty, squalid razor.

Then some painful drug will be administered under the assumption of a tetanus shot.

Saline's good.

Dennis Farrell

Who is Dennis Farrell? Seriously, I don't know who that is.

This is the type of shit that Joe thinks anyone on earth is jealous of. You couldn't pay me to set foot in there. A bunch of fat losers telling racial jokes while they drink awful light beers and eat pretzel rods. Fucking disgusting.

u/Doxxer100 how the fuck, you can be so disrespectful, that you blowed your allowance right in front of Nana.

It's blew, you thick fuck. Don't embarrass the sub like that again!

Statin island.

Joe looks so fucking stupid here.

He is doing the "you want to smell my fingers after I digitally penetrated a mummy."

My ribs, they’re hurtin

Here, there, and everywhere.

Almost time for at least 4 of those hogs to take their Lipitor

Sleeveless shirts are dumb in general, but particularly terrible on fatties. Exhibit “A” and “B” displayed here.

Imagine the stench. Fred’s sepsis armpit alone is enough to clear out a room. I feel sorry for the young tranny they were cornholing that night

Blue shirt clogs the bowl so bad the stench lingers in the poorly ventilated basement

So basically the compound smells like feces, old man smell, sweat, booze, and rotting armpits? Gnarly dude

Remember when Anthony made it sound like he was having Wolf of Wall Street-level parties rather than just a handful of old guys playing cards and going "fuckin liberals, huh?"

I pity to people at that table that are under the age of 40.

They're gonna need a bigger table.

Opie doesn’t realize what he’s missing.

Dog kicking

I don't see Opie there.