The fact that Ant was visibly sad his mother had died, and that it was a "terrible week", is proof that he knew he should have visited her.

35  2019-07-26 by Populer_lar

If, in Joe's words, she was "already dead" because of her alzheimers, then her literal death wouldn't have mattered.

But when she actually died, Ant knew he fucked up.



Joe is "already brain dead", can we ignore him?


You are giving AntH way too much credit. The CumiaHs aren't even people.

I took care of both of my parents who had cancer in my late teens/ early twenties (queue the laugh track) and it amazes me with what a piece of shit Ant is for not visiting his mom even once in the last five years of her life. When my parents died, I at least felt like I was there for them and had no regrets. Ant for the rest of his life will feel a sense of sadness that he abandoned his mom, because he didn’t want to feel uncomfortable. He is just a sad little shut-in who was too busy getting fucked by a shemale to find some time to say some loving things to his mother before she passed.

Bless your soul. You’re a good kid

Its amazing that ant is still the same old douche. That would be a huge wake up call to be a better person for most people. Then again so would rehab or stomping on a womans ribs.

And as his wealth evaporates he will be less and less able to blot it all out with an extravagant lifestyle to distract himself. He will spend his final days poor and alone and afraid, as the howling abyss of misery, regret and guilt consumes him

Lady Ant

Once Ants money runs dry (soon) they will find him hanging over his pool table wearing his mommy’s high heels with smeared lipstick all over his face 👠

Ant knew Dawn would force him to go to the funeral. Why be sad?

Indeed. He was choking back tears while Ron and Colin were arguing. Oh, but better that than seeing this, huh Pissy Eyes?

That memorial wall still makes me chuckle

Delete this and try again some other time.

You are bringing down the average for lawyers everywhere, sir.

I stand by this. I'm not against the premise of the post. It's the angle and wording that deserves deletion.