Hey Joe, how does the band react when you get another gig canceled? They must fucking hate you as much as we do.

62  2019-07-25 by PhishInVa2

Cant wait to hear you cry after i get the next one canceled you fat geriatric idiot. Wahhh my livelihood. Wahhh. I dont fucking care. Tell your crypt keeper wife to keep collecting those dead guys checks and live off of her like you have done with your baby brother your whole life. Fucking bovine nobody. No effect on your lives. /u/Doxxer100


/u/doxxer100, comment?

Can you imagine the opie and anthony subreddit being brought up at your 60th birthday party? But somehow in typical Joe Qumia fashion, he just won’t see the embarrassment that everyone else does.

Honest question, why doesn't he just stop giving us attention? It should be clear by now we have several thousand autistics who would love nothing more than to watch him die in a ditch.


You've lost the battle Joe, don't make yourself lose the war.

What’s the sound of one hand clapping? Sometimes the question is the lesson, grasshopper character.

what do you do for a living grasshopper character?

Tranthony only gives him $60k a year. My first job when I graduated college paid me $60k plus benefits. Losing a few hundred bucks was a big deal back then, and that was back when I was single and had no kids. I can't honestly comprehend why Joe, who only makes $60k a year and has to pay child support and has several kids of his own, continues to openly taunt the very people who have been getting his gigs cancelled for years. He's acting like losing a few hundred bucks over a cancelled gig is pocket change to him.

Because baby bro is his safety net.


That's it? God damn is Ant a cheap fuck

joe is the living embodiment of entitled, willfully ignorant, baby boomer white trash. Fuck you joe. Fuck your family. Fuck your fat heart, it’s gonna explode someday, tubby.

Do you guys really hate Joe?

I don't. I find his childlike view of the world, general buffoonery, and the fact that he somehow takes himself so damn seriously entertaining as hell.

I didn't care for the longest time. He was an occasional clown to laugh at. His performance at Anthony's book signing pushed me over the top. I hope he gets tipped over in his sleep and dies of a heart attack

Fair enough man. I think its great. Whenever I have a bad day I just log on to this sub, and there is a 6 foot 1, 289 pound monkey happily dancing for me.

And thousands of retards throwing things at it all the while.

Ant on the other hand... there's a man I can get behind on the hate train.

Joe is a high functioning retard, but I don't hate him. I don't agree with getting his gigs cancelled. Unpopular opinion i know but I'd like to limit the Joe hate to this sub.

Nah. I’m with you. I think some people here take things way too far.

Everyone associated with the show is an awful person but fucking with their lives is psychotic.

But thats just my faggoty opinion.

Its not like i want him to die but his buffoonery is too entertaining not to provoke.

I legit hate him. His brother is a pedophile and joe has a daughter. I love my family but I'd kill any one of them if they even looked at my daughter like that, and joe takes her over there for pool parties. It's sick.

He's a special individual with so much self-importance and stupidity rolled in one that I am fascinated by what stupid shit he does next. When you think he can't get any dumber, he finds new ways to embarrass himself. It's incredible. Super easy to provoke too and he's been acting like this for years.

Even before all this, I thought Joe never added anything on the actual show and just wanted to hear himself talk. Little did I know he would end up being way funnier than his faggot brother in the end he manages to leech 60k a year from.

Do you guys really hate Joe?

can't speak for the sub but I hate him with the fire of a thousand suns.