For reference, Opie is barely 5'10.

5  2019-07-25 by Officer_McGrady


I bet Anthony still has both those shirts.

I never realized that Anthony never knew how to dress at all. They did not need a visual element in the studio.

I'm not sure what year this particular photo here is from (2003?), but you should put a side-by-side comparison of it and him wearing his two shirts now. Put the years above each picture. I do it but I'm in the middle of doing important research.


I will never understand why they wanted a visual element so badly. Everyone besides Opie was bizarre looking, their studio didn't have any decorations or anything and the days of getting girls in to do sex stuff were long over.

Huh? AntH said he’s 5’10. That can’t be right.

No where close

Nana looks like he's stalking a 12 yr old

He really does.

I know this was his Tunisian period and gets shit about looking Arab, but that look and creepy stance is exactly the same look and stance that I’d see from all the 40-50 year old guys when I worked in Algeria and would walk around with western women co-workers.

Just some off putting half grin, baggy eyes, half cocked stance, and no blinking as they track you for 50ft before turning around.

Anthony Cumia is a gross looking person.

Your wristwatch is supposed to go on your wrist not your forearm you sloppy faggot wop.