"Ya got yer dead famlee, ya got yer vengeance, BAM!"

49  2019-07-24 by Alfred_Hitchcuck


For a second I didn't know what was doctored here

Bob Kelly says "boom" not "bam" you dummy. You've made a fool of yourself.

Dude he was layin down.

It was the iPhone, dude

Duuuuude you got your fuckin' three-course pork roast, you got your gravy on the side, you got your herbs and spices, and BAM DUDE, you knock it up another notch!

I got my new crime syndicate now dude, if there's anything I want to steal I say it, and boom.

Frank White Castle

Burger Kingpin


Wilson Brisque

Is Kingpin an All-Around MARVEL villain?

Dude seems to pop up everywhere.

(Oh, and Bob Kelly is fat)

He sure is, J-Bradley. He sure is.

It's just that I've seen him go up against Spider-Man, Daredevil, and now here with The Punisher.

Didn't know if he was once specific character's villain or not.

As for Bob, well.....


Started as a Spider-Man villain, but now faces off against a lot of guys.

Bob’s made a lot of enemies in his life.

Dudes been clearing out buffets from Maine to Memphis.

Frank Castle duuuuuuuuuude.