It took this fat nigger cow a half hour to come up with *this* response.

33  2019-07-24 by feedfatrick


Did you know him before or is he really responding to random numbers calling him a nigger?

It’s not like he has anything better to do

He literally called me and was having a full on conversation to me about why Reddit does what it does. I asked him for Anthony’s number, he said he never cared for the worm, I yelled Feed Nana and hung up on the old cow.

he said he never cared for the worm

Brother Joe hates Jim Norton?


Can you expand on this?

So so so so so so you're saying you make fun of us because it's funny? Doesn't check out with me, redditard!

How did he get your number? Did you talk to him for 2 hours like the other retards here?

I called him from work a while ago just to flush the toilet

I only phone him when I have explosive diarrhea but I never say a word...I don't have to.

Whats his number ima call him and im being to much of a cumia to look up his stupid yahoo

It's on his website right next to his home adress. I'm just saying he isn't smart.

Yeah. Dont go TPing his semi-detached house or anything.

Thank you sir, lets see if this pedo answers.

Joe thought you were trying to mate with him.

"The next one's on me" I'll take phrases never spoken by Joseph Cumia for 500 your honor

I hope nobody posts a craigslist ad or anything.

Yeah guys, that's a really bad idea. We should totally avoid doing this, especially for gay male escort services.

Peewee responses. Seems about right.