What does Joe Cumia do all day besides bathe in cum?

9  2019-07-24 by DrSvarheeny

I just realized Joe Cumia has such smooth skin compared to his feeble minded brother and his leather faced grandma girlfriend.

It DAWNED on me that he most likely pays strangers for their cum and he uses a paint brush to coat his body and face. Joe Cum-ia. He is constantly stewing in semen. Literally marinading all day in a soupy cum bath. Just stewing his fat old body in the salty treat for pure vanity. What a vile sack of cum soaked shit.

Ol'salty Joe. You can smell him all around town. His squishy shoes slushing around in jizz. This guy just loves cum and drinking it. That's why he's so fat now. He's gotta be throwing back 2 gallons a day, easy. True story Joe Rogan, I'd tell you if I was lying, genuinely.


he writes manifestos, pretends to be opposed to pedophilia, smears Vick's vapor rub under his nose to get rid of Carol's stench (which likely smells of burnt hair).

Burnt dry pasta smells much worse.

Grooms children with Jeffrey Hollander and harvests their spit. And obsessively refresh reddit and downvote everything post by post.

Oh come on. Everyone knows it's the stem cells from gallons of infant saliva, grow up!

Pay? Buddy, the boys down at Big Apple Ranch shoot it for FREE.


He gets fucked in the ass by horses