So, this guy called into J&S today to tell Him someone is "ripping off Chip" from him. I've looked this up. Very interesting

25  2019-07-24 by lawyerherelistenup

He goes by the name "Chip Diamond" and basically dresses like chip and does interactions and interviews in real life, in character. I only watched a little bit but it definitely has some sort of connection, meaning someone stole it from someone. The real funny part is if this guy did steal this from Jim, he's doing way more with it than Norton ever has. He has over TWO MILLION YouTube subscribers.


I refuse to watch this. Or to ever say it’s “interesting.” Jim Norton and chip both suck cock.

I mean it's interesting in the sense that it looks like someone took Jim's chip character, did it in real life only modifying it slightly, and has over two million followers. It's even more interesting we are just finding out about this.

Anyone over the age of 18 making YouTube videos is a creep

Unless their showing you how to unlock a cell phone or build a fucking table or something there is no reason an adult should have a "series" of youtube videos.

I disagree

anyone who only watches Youtube videos of people under the age of 18 is creepier

Or a multi millionaire. One of the two you dumb boomer.

Rich Evans is 52 years old and makes YouTube videos. Would you call him a creep?

Well you should, because he is.

I havent seen this video you linked but a character with purposefully bad jokes is not something unique although prop jimmy would like it to be.

His name is Chip too and he wears big dumb glasses and has a dumb face and interviews people.

How can you be denying this?

Im denying it because i havent seen it. The video. If what youre saying is true this guy is really motherfucking jim

Looks terrible. I think Jim has a real case here.

Tsss, looks yuma

It's not that unique a character. Just take a Downsy grandiose guy and make him mean-spirited (as opposed to good, as in Kyle Dunnigan's Craig). The name "Chip" is interesting though.

Chip is such a stupid fucking character. I hope this guy is blatantly ripping it off and Jim gets pissed about it because we all know Jim ripped it from the Jerky Boys in the first place.


we all know Jim ripped it from the Jerky Boys in the first place.

Jim stole Chip from the Jerky Boys. Then when SNL did a sketch that sounded like that same Jerky Boys clip, he ranted about how they ripped Chip off. Then when someone pointed out that he stole Chip from the Jerky Boys, he acted like it wasn't similar, even though Chip is much more similar to the Jerky Boys than the SNL sketch was to Chip.

Now he wears silly hats and a wig and brings a box of props to his stand-up shows and does a podcast where he drools on his chin and Anthony Cumia pounds the table screams HA HA HOLY SHIT into the microphone.

Chip is the worst shit in existence, is what I'm saying. And I hope this guy stole it from Jim and is now getting millions of views with it.

There's some guy called Chip Znuff who he stole the image from

He's a well known worm. He steals jokes, his persona, Ozzy's dwindling time left on this Earth, Chip, and occasionally $60,000.

I stopped listening to Sirius because of Chip

This guy has been doing characters on YouTube for ten years. Only thing they have in common is the name...

This guy's been around forever he says look at that and shit

Look's like one of Nick Kroll's bits.

Yeah or how bout... Fawkin... Nick Kmuffin asumptin...

Homerun joecumiasfryingpan

Sounds like we have another subpoena on our hands.

Chip evolved man.

Ed has been around forever and unlike that homo Jim Norton, creates all of his own characters.

He also has a loving wife and child, also unlike Jim Norton.

Why waste a call for that when the caller could have said that some guys called the Jerky Boys are ripping Jim off. Would Norton respond?

Edbassmaster has been doing his characters for years.

“Chip” is a common dumb made-up name people use when they have to think one up fast. Think of Bill Murray’s bank robber persona from Quick Change.

Still if this is ripped off from Jim’s genuinely original creation it is funnier and more successful, and therefore Jim should retire the character.

They’re totally different. That chip diamond fella is this arrogant overly macho character that’s rude to people

We have to support Chip Diamond

How do you know any of this first hand without being a cock loving homo?

solid point.


damn he's wearing that suge knight horrible wool sweater

imagine listening to an entire episode of J&S.. imagine being a regular and actually calling the J&S show..

Jim stole Chip from this guy. Follow the lack of money.

You cant steal something stolen