Clip request(been a while since anyone posted that here) Opie doesn't understand how Australia gets electricity(jim jefferies in studio)

10  2019-07-22 by stinkypussay


Found this

Probably has the link to the clip but I'm not a member.

You didn't get an invite?

Haha, faggot.

Why would I? I didn't ask for one and wouldn't accept it.

You are pretty dumb.

Wha happened?

You ever just think about water?

I mean, really think about water?

What's bizarre is that he wasn't even wrong. Hydrogen bonding gives it properties that are rare for a liquid. Surface tension, heat retention to regulate winters, ice being less dense and floating instead of sinking, it's a key contributor to there being any life here but because it's everywhere and tastes bland most people take it for granted. So you just know he heard NGT or someone talking about it and the best he could come up with was an attempt at pot talk with zero of the interesting properties because he either forgot them or didn't understand what any of them meant in the first place.

.... Fine. I counter with,

"What's in salt water that makes us not able to drink it?"

And before you even start, I'll jump back in with, "If bees can eat their own vomit, why can't we?"

Well the vomit thing is just retarded. Eat all the vomit you want ffs, no one's stopping you.

Most of the "salts" in the ocean are actually ions/electrolytes which we need lots of. Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, you need them all for things like fluid balance, muscle usage and nervous system signals. There are trace elements many of which are used in essential amino acids. So it's a perfectly reasonable question and the answer is literally the same as the one to "why did that Wee for a Wii girl die from drinking spring water?" It was just too much of it.

"Did Colin (Quinn) actually write a coloring book?"

Good thing you specified it wasn't Colin Flaherty.

Guess I remembered to specify.
