The face of a dolt.

16  2019-07-22 by suirogerg


6'1 dolt. Moo

Moo Oyster Dolt

I want to know how this all came about

Braggart Joe posted it on his Facebook

That's not what the guy means stupid

No need to take the gloves off, sir.

please, there were ten people in the audience.

I love the look of contempt on the guy’s face on the right. He sums up the way this sub feels about Joe.

That's the guy they had to send out to finish the song after Joe managed to knock a perfectly set up SG out of tune halfway through. I guess $100 Chinese knockoffs require less finesse.

Joe is always the tallest guy in a room. What a giant.

Stroke face

Joe likes to give a good stroke, that’s for sure.

I hope his Chinese guitar malfunction caused this. Maybe it’ll burn the next venue down

Don’t Fear The Bovine

it was awesome at the end when the bass player and two good guitarist are standing lined up in a row and then Joe butts into the frame