What AntH and Jim offer a 16 year old

30  2019-07-22 by pephix

I was at a birthday party on Saturday for a neighbor and they have a 16 year old daughter I have known for a few years.

If we take into account that she is just like all 16 year old girls, I cannot imagine a single one enjoying listening to a drunk 58 year old pockmarked cave dwelling batman villain, quote lines from an episode of Colombo that originally aired before her parents were even born. Or listen to him do an impression of Damone from Fast Times at Ridgemont High, a movie that she probably never heard of. Or listen to Black Sabbath.


The illusion of riches

Well, he offered an iPad to an underage girl.

Plus he was willing to talk and maybe even kiss her 😘

But he doing anything illegal, so that's OK, right Joe?


He also offered them to elderly up to their 80, but don't be 81 or you are just another libtard nig fag

Actually I hate to end your whole career but Missy said she is a ColomboPhile and that she thinks there's no special place in Hell for whoever took it off TV Land. And I'm sure she didn't just repeat what Anth said to try and get a raise.

I know the fag is broke, but surely he can part with 60 bucks for the complete collection, ad free, on DVD and not cry like a bitch about it not being on cable.

Thanks deep discount!

Hey my good man, I too am stuffing from ED and generally soft penis, do you happens to know any product that may solve my problem?

I think I heard about some sort of dick spray, and it's anal friendly. I wish I knew where I heard about it.

neighborhood birthday party

Is it just you and the other dads cracking cold brewskis by the aboveground pool?


He was going in the jacuzzi and he had one demand before

Jim Norton 9/11

Aside from the imbalance and predatory element of trying to woo a 16 year old, I can't imagine a 58 year old who could stomach listening to their bullshit. Fuck, I'm glad I don't have to listen to 25 year olds anymore.

How does she look?

You're completely out of the game dude..

What about, maybe even kissing?

Nice title, stupid.