The lead singers face is all of us on a daily basis with Joe.

26  2019-07-22 by Bovine-Joe


And that retard uploaded this himself! He has zero self-awareness and has trouble reading social cues.

I think he may have autism.

I think he may have autism.

Mad Cow Disease

The shit-eating grin on Joe’s face and the look of disgust on literally everyone else’s.

This is every day in Joe's pathetic life.

"Can you get a guy dressed like a gladiator to pat me down?"

This picture smells like Axe body spray and cum-crusted toilet at a rest stop.

So it smells like Joe. Why wouldn't it?

I could be mistaken about what the singer was trying to do, but if I'm not, at one point in the video he literally has to motion over to Joe and tell him to stop strutting around on stage like an ass and stop being so goddamn loud so the audience can watch the band's actual guitarist play the solo.

I play guitar too, and I've played in various bands ever since I was like 14. If I were to one day get the opportunity to go on stage and play live with one of my favorite bands (which Joe claims BOC are), the very last thing I'd do is make an ass of myself and try to be the center of attention to the point where my heroes get obviously annoyed with me and regret letting me up on stage with them.

the very last thing I'd do is make an ass of myself and try to be the center of attention to the point where my heroes get obviously annoyed with me and regret letting me up on stage with them.

You also aren't retarded, so there's that.

Wait what Joe played with Blue Oyster Colt?! AND embarrassed himself? Actually that part's believable. But you go away for one weekend and Joe giveth again. And last weekend was the roast. Where's the video?

Congrats to Chip for getting the lead singer gig... I'm sure there was some stiff competition for that.

Joe don't fawkin fear the reaper

I've tried to be emotionally unavailable about this but it actually makes me really sad for Joe.

He just can't NOT be a boob, even when he tries his hardest

I even get his train of thought (choo-choo!) He wanted to try and shred to impress them. Dummy stepped all over them trying to show off.

nice call of duty shirt. fuck

What is the point/advantage of having a guitar without a headstock?

DuuuHH Nuhhhhh Nann...

Joe was told within the first five seconds of the song to turn his volume down. Dude literally did the "turn knob" motion in front of his cow face. Joe either ignored it or didn't know what it meant. Retard.