Early O and A is good to go back to now to hear Opie disrespect Jim

23  2019-07-21 by lawyerherelistenup

Before Jim was a show fixture he was a punching bag and had to take it on the chin. Very satisfying now to hear those moments.


How the fuck did Opie find the worm’s chin?

That's how precise the jabs are.

Brotherman was capable of the impossible

An omnipresence of the incontinent RIP

my favorite was when they did a town hall type interview with jack white and and opie introduced himself and anthony and never even acknowledged norton. his defense was that he never bothered to turn his head and see jim there and didn't even know jim was coming.

It's funny how Jimmy went from having a double chin to no chin.

A lot of the old fans hated Norton. When they returned to satellite, O&A constantly got callers saying how much Jim sucks and how he ruins the show.