TFW when it’s time for handing out subpoenas

28  2019-07-21 by suirogerg


I don't hate Joe and I don't want to say a single bad word about him but in 2016 I went to see a 2U show and when I tried to feed this son of a bitch a marshmallow, he grabbed my arm, pinned me against his cage, and proceeded to strip the fucking flesh off me.


He's no Hendrix

Just to be transparent, his handlers had to beat him about the face and neck with bamboo shoots for over 14 minutes and I didn't really care for that part of the show. My forearm was mangled and ky Springsteen request was ignored.

No Hungry Heart for you brothaman!

Joe was stillborne.

If only

His hat should say dunce

His face says it.

Mouth open... shocker!

Remember when he took the IQ test and posted it here like he was dunking on all of us?

Oh yeah and he paid CASH to take it.

I heard it was COMP’d

Enjoy your clams cocksuckers

Then Knights of Columbus were real head breakers, true guineas

Nobody cares that you jumped out a few planes during peacetime back in the early 80s, Joe. Nobody fucking cares.

Him wearing that hat at someone's wedding really, really makes my fucking blood boil. Not only were they paying him to be there but I guaran-fucking-tee he just decided it was acceptable to wear it, despite none of the other men attending wearing hats, because he thinks he's earned some sort of right to be an inconsiderate cunt because he peeled potatoes while serving during the easiest time period to have been in the military in the history the fucking country. What's even more galling is that you can be sure everyone there was annoyed by him wearing it but no one wanted to be negative on what's supposed to be a day of happiness for the people getting married and their families. Way to take advantage of the people paying you, bovine faggot. I hope Layla gets married to some shit skin and a gas line explodes in the middle of the fucking service and severely burns everyone attending as comeuppance for your selfish faggotry. Fucking cunt.

He wants everyone everywhere to know that he "served his country", which essentially amounted to him taking a tax-payer funded sky diving vacation during peacetime.

Tbf, he did serve his country. Hash browns and mashed potatoes. French fries were above his pay grade.

I’m so happy that Insecure Joe had to pull this video down.


This was at a proper wedding, by the way. Fucking stunad.

That feeling when when?