Why does everyone under 30 now have a body full of shitty tattoos?

2  2019-07-20 by Officer_McGrady

Is the whole country becoming white trash?


My body is over 30 and covered in awful tattoos. My body is now awful too.

Yeah there's plenty of 54 year olds like troyquan that want to feel young and get tons of shit tattoos.

The only tattoo I ever considered getting was the Charlie Brown shirt zigzag around my abdomen. If I ever get fat I'm getting it.

Trannys have the worst, they were picked on as boys called faggots then tried to man it up with butch tattoos,now just ugly girls with man tattoos

I'm glad I never got tattoos when I was younger. I liked so many things but now my life is devoted to hating everyone from O&A.

It's the whole "I'm so different, see???" movement. Same reason why trannies, gays, minorities are so trendy now. Every under thirty young person I've met, have there head so far up their own asses, they're never wrong, if something does go wrong, it's everybody elses fault. I was raped, discriminated against, white people bad, my life sucks because of white people. My white ancestors were maniacal genocidal monsters. Black people built this country, while whites sat on their asses. Revise history some more faggots.