Your name is Norton? You call yourself a comedian, you son of a bitch?

49  2019-07-20 by Nuwanda84


Fuck, what movie is this? It’s on the tip of my tongue.

Glengarry Glen Ross

That’s it

Something is definitly touching the tip of your tongue.

The tip of a penis?

Yeah dude, I got it, first place I get some knives, second place some other shit.


"Because I don’t like you."

"My Nordic boyfriend..."

"Fuck you."

Man, Blake really motherfucked us. Scuuumbaaag! I can't close these leads. I can't sell an Indian.

The only part that gets Jim's attention is when Baldwin puts those brass balls down by his crotch.


always blow cocks!

But those egg whites down! Egg whites are for closers!

Jim Norton: Fairy, company man, child