Unpopular Opinion From Unpopular Man: Kerryn Feehan is a mean bitch on the Chip Podacast and I like her quite a lot.

0  2019-07-20 by MrFeedYoNana

She's vicious and awful.

Just an awful person.

Her first instinct is to verbally assault anyone with the most poisonous shit ever.

She was especially vile on the very newest episode of the Chip Podacast.

I've never seen her stand up so I can't say whether she's funny in that arena.

She does a stupid comic strip and it sucks more cock than she does so if her stand-up sucks too I wouldn't be surprised and that's probably why I never saught it out.

But on Chip she's excellent.

Her timing is usually fantastic, she says shit she shouldn't about other comics, she attacks every other woman like Shaniqua, and I like her.

And I like the Chip Podacast.

So howzabout youze guize? Am I the lone Chip fan? I hate Jim still.


I think she's pretty hot.

SHE WANTS TO BE RESPECTED FOR HER COMEDY. So she showed her ass on Instagram

She looks like a burn victim gtfo.

Spreading her asshole open on Instagram, I didn't know they allowed that type of content.

I can see why Norton has her around

I bet she gets mad when men objectify her

Excellent taste you fucking douche. The chip podcast (podAcast lol!) and kieran freehams. DOUBLE DOUCHE. Queers.

I don't know her, I've never seen any of her stuff, but I can guarantee she isn't funny and I hate her.

Just another unfunny female that Norton has open for him or guest on his podcast. Yawn.

Kudos to her though for being able to leverage her plain white body to drain cash from ugly guys who have a white girl fetish in NYC.

White girl fetish?

We don't make baby noises here

Weird slit eyes

Thanks Mr. Feehan