“ so I pointed at my hat...”

74  2019-07-20 by xterraroc


Wow, nice find. I bet Joe would like to take this one back.

🎶people round the ranch....join in.... it's just a ram train..ram train🎶


Seriously imagine being that cringey. Like the plane just took off and there was some turbulence or whatever and the attendants come out for drinks and some bovine idiot makes some retarded gesture to his hat, “because of this hat, I understand regular airplane turbulence in normal”, and for them to not just fucking cringe on sight. And this guy is 60 years old without any actual military experience outside of the kitchen. What a fucking embarrassment. Honestly the Cumia family could have teetered on normal in the end. Even with grandpa Tony’s rampant pedophilia. But joe’s bovine idiocy turned them into possibly the biggest joke of a family unit to ever live.

The Stewardess came over and told me a guy in first class had sucked 15 dicks on his trip to NYC so I pointed at the hat.


When he toured a dairy farm and the guide showed them how cows are milked, he pointed at his pendulous swaying udders.

When they went through the fields all the crows landed on Carol

"So I pointed to my pea-sized brain"

Post it on r/lgbt with a story about how it's your deeply closeted uncle who just recently was brave enough to come out and he's proudly wearing the hat you bought him.

This is great

Who shopped the "ish" into this?

This and the one where he bragged about going to the dentist without wincing (or whatever the fuck) were enough to make me hate him.

Joe pays CASH!

No need to shoe tap this guy in the bathroom stalls. Just whip you cock out and he knows what to do.