Based on Seinfeld’s rant on the Bridgett Everett episode of that Coffee Car show, I’m guessing he’s not jonesing for a hang with Bobcat. Haven’t heard hate that intense for Bobcat since Kinison was on Stern in the 80s

17  2019-07-20 by NixingJoe


WeLL iF yOu DidN't TaLk LiKe tHiS FoR 2o yEaRs MayBe pEoPLe WouLDn't tHiNK YoU'rE sO wEiRd, StUpId

Funny voices come on that’s comedy gold

He hasn't talked like that in at least 30 years.

He did it for one of those Snickers ads from a few years ago

Not true. He only abandoned that stupid voice about 10 years ago.

I like that Robin Williams auto-asphyxia death movie he made that foreshadows the very way Robin Williams dies irl.

Bobcat Goldthwait criticizing anyone for anything is rich. He had his time creeping all over Nikki Cox when people still knew who he was and now he's jealous he can't find any jailbait to shower with dollars until she turns legal.

I love the story Jay Mohr tells about when Bobcat was dating Nikki Cox, they ran into Jeffrey Tambor, who gestured to Cox and creepily said, “Bobcat, hey now!” like his character from the Larry Sanders Show. It made her skin crawl.

Yeah, I'm sure Jerry "I'm a goddamn billionaire" Seinfeld gives a shit what Bobcat Goldthwait thinks of him.

Seinfeld angrily ranted for 2 minutes on the episode about Bobcat. Shit on his whole career, act and persona. Pure venom.

Oh, well maybe it does bother him then. You'd think he wouldn't care what he had to say about him.

What started the shit between them?

That’s Seinfeld; he’s a petty guy, that’s his schtick, and no amount of money will change that. I kind of admire his openness about it.

I sort of see that dynamic as what Curb Your Enthusiasm is all about too—absurdly wealthy retired legend still having trouble meshing with the world.

If you go on the episode, he starts talking about it when there are 6:45 minutes left

Just watched. Awesome. Cool to see Seinfeld be real like that.

Goldthwait is a lefty queer and I miss those old Stern clips of Kinison confronting him for his faggotry which must have gotten pulled from Youtube. There’s a clip of Bobcat saying he’s glad Kinison is dead because he picked on him and that he wasn’t a fan of his act because he “doesn’t hate vaginas”. Total, utter faggotry.

Kinison was a screaming fat faggot who never told a joke in his career.

Jerry's a scientologist?

A (((scientologist)))

I believe he visited the celebrity compound in the 90s and got some personality test, but never pursed it further. If he was a real Scientologist, it'd be as a big a deal as Tom Cruise and John Travolta.

Bobcat doesn't need to insult Seinfeld with the Scientology label. Being a Jew is bad enough.

Nice take, now do the "zany voice.".

Jerry's fake laugh throughout that series is almost as bad as Anth's "HO LEE SHIT". Him with Ricky Gervais is just 30mins of two elderly faggots pretending to be amused by stories they've heard from each other 100 times.

Aside from Windy City Heat I've always despised Bobcat. It's really good watching Rip Torn take him down on Larry Sanders and I hope it hurt him as much as that hammer hurt Norman Mailer.