The goofy faces really make his act funnier. They're funny, you know. Funny expressions.

2  2019-07-19 by literalotherkin


What a disgusting overexcited zilch.

oh, I heard Alfie died not long after. Age of 32. Alcohol poisoning was the official cause. Terrible thing. Bill Malethorpe wasn’t long for this world either. Why, I heard he passed away suddenly after being startled by a moose in his own backyard. As for Jessica, well, I never did find out what happened to Jessica. One former coworker told me she’s still out there somewhere, dancing in the moonlight. Some say she never stopped. As for me, well, I’m just a quiet old man now. I’ve given up on all those kinds of activities and there’s no way I could be sucked back in. Absolutely not. Yep, I’ll stay out here on this ranch until I’m good and ready to meet my maker. When that day will come, I can’t be sure. But what I do know is that nothing will ever top that restless summer back in ‘94 when I was a young buck falling in love and learning what I means to grow up out on the prairies.

More effort plz

Did you know: Canaries can be kept with at least one other Canary, preferably more; do not house male Canaries together.

Thought it was Bobby for a minute. Jimmy sure is a fatso