YA KNOW WHAT DUDE, Dane put me in Good Luck Chuck as airport security.

19  2019-07-19 by bwaitforitjones


I can’t remember someone flaming out as quick as Dane did. MySpace years were weird, man.

Dane Cook did a lot of weird shit where the main focus was "look this guy ducks really hot chicks, isn't that pretty rad?" People did not find it that rad. He also used to do a weird sultry lady voice for his "BK Lounge" bit but then it weirdly carried over into other bits and again made his fanbase uncomfortable

Louis, at the peak of his popularity, calling him out for joke theft drove the final nail through his coffin lid.

Funny how Louis is now forever to be known as the sex creep and Dane is mainly remembered for his brother fleecing him.

This hit the nail on the head


I can't watch it because my girlfriend is demanding I marry her. Won't someone please come hit my girlfriend? I can't believe I need to ask more than once.

Dane Cook did a lot of weird shit where the main focus was "look this guy fucks really hot chicks, isn't that pretty rad?"

A male Kelsey Cook.

Bawbby is more racially ambiguous than ant

No, he's just Puerto Rican

Holy fuck Bobby packed it on. Have some fucking self respect

Jesus I never knew he was thin; I was under the impression he was always a giant tub of shit.

That was the start of Fat Bobby. They made fun of his weight when he was at that stage and it just got worse from there.


Bobby pops in at 13 minutes playing a Puerto Rican dishwasher.

get the fuck out faggot


He wasn't even thin then, he just looks it compared to the sack of blubber he is now.