Okay yes, Anthony may groom and sexually assault children, spew racist diatribes on Twitter, break his girlfriend’s ribs, and leave his mother to die alone. But here’s what you SCUMBAGS need to understand; Opie stomped on some of my fawkin’ HILARIOUS tranny and AIDS bits. So who’s the real bad guy?

22  2019-07-18 by ProfessorChipperson


Anthony is (allegedly) an active pedophile, Jim stole $60,000, and Opie stepped on a cake in 2007. Cleary all three of these things are comparable.

Opie’s the only one I’d feel reasonably safe babysitting my kids.

The worst thing he'd do is make passive aggressive remarks

“Dad, is Opie our uncle? Because he keeps calling you Brother-man.”

"Ah yes my best friend Anthony Cumia. There is easily available proof that he has attempted to groom children on the internet. He has also admitted to being attracted to girls as young as 13 years of age. And I can't forget the time he physically assaulted my long time friends daughter. Wait! Louis CK asked women permission for non-contact sexually pleasure and didn't do it when they said no?! What a sssscumbag!"