Bob Kelly is a fat moron

79  2019-07-18 by Dachosen17


His time has past.

His thyme has pasta.

your a shmarmy nerd

Only Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates and Jim Norton know how to spell ‘passed’

Stephen Hocking and Bill Gaits

Who the fuck knows how to spell by duuuude.

Must have been laying down when he typed that.

There’s a 98% chance this is true.

Bob is as dumb as you can possibly be and still walk on two legs.

He's about to lose that ability.

Maybe he was making a pun.

He is still a fat moron either way.

Bob couldn’t spell “pun” let alone make one.

The only thing that that super morbidly obese simpleton can make is a mayo and liverwurst sandwich.

mayo and liverwurst sandwich

Wow that sounds really gross. Liverwurst and mustard on rye though...

Ironically he looks like Big Pun.

It was the auto-correct duuuude!!!!!

Ya think ya so great just cause you can spell!

In Bob's defense, "by" is not the easiest word to spell.

(Except that it actually, literally is.)

''is'' is very hard to spell too. in fact the list of hard to spell words in the english language is quite long!

He needs to BUY life insurance, because he’ll most likely be dead by the time he turns 50.

Didn't he say he was going to get into shape for his kid? Lol.

I hope Bob ends up broke and desperate for a Vizio 2.1

guys stop, he just forgot the comma and misspelled "bye"

I hope your kids are listening, fuck them too.

He was thinking about buying a batch of delicious cookies at the moment.

Our dear poor Bawby.

People with a higher level of intelligence tend to make a lot of spelling mistakes.

Clearly, that's what just happened.

Ladies and gentlemen, the tech guy

Bobby is smart. He named his theater tour “kreeps with kids”. Nothing says mass-appeal like having a pro-pedophile sounding name. Bet he sells a ton of merch. Maybe as much as Anthony’s swastika shirt

You missed it Bobby, ya big fat pig