Reminder to kill these degenerates on sight

10  2019-07-18 by senselessdegenerate


Furry is just a gateway drug for pederasty. It's not as riddled with them as the niche sci-fi scene but it's pretty bad.

At least half of them derive sexual pleasure from torturing animals. dumb fucks can’t even party properly

i mean they wrecked an entire hotel after having a weekend of drug fueled orgies, sounds to me like they did it properly

Diapers though, fucking diapers?

yeah.. thats fucked up.. also that whole thing of fucking someone in a suit, you don't even know what kind of ugly bitch is under that fur

If you identify as an animal, does that mean it's technically not manslaughter if you get killed?

Just make sure they're in season.

Furry is the portable glory-hole of woke times.

Anthony is a furry

Furries are the niggers of the internet.

I remember the 4chan guy created a board for furries so he could permanently ban everyone who posted there.

I’m glad people are remembering how awful furfags are.