Someone’s got a new job!

12  2019-07-18 by alienthriftship


Shouldnt it say Redditard Comics?

I'm just glad Joe finally got a job. $75 an hour to have autistic le boop de snoopers pet him is better than cosplaying as a human guitarist.

Joe charges Anth much more an hour.

They’re uddercutting his business



as long as it's been retweeted at Joe 1000 times with congrads on his new job, I'm sure it's fine

Beginner comics? Asshole, you've been an "entertainer" for decades and this is your hot insult? What a cornball.

*beginner Twitter comics. He’s a veteran you see...

Beginner podcasters might want to start off with talent but I guess Cumias love bucking trends

We can’t all preform a killer set like Nana did at the big Jay roast.

Hardly Davidson

Locks of Douche


He's stealing Gulmans gimmick

Mfw ant actually considers his comedic output professional quality