r/OpieandAnthonyxyz Meetup 2019

67  2019-07-18 by I_like_2_Repost


Way too normal looking.

Yeah what the fuck man, only one of them looks like a carney...this is fake news

Yeah, no way a group of mutants from this sub is half as over all attractive as that group.

Me on the right 🤘

Was pretty nice of us to wrap you in my AcDc wall tapestry before the pic.

There's always gotta be a tiny 17 year old with a full goatee and greasy hockey hair in a ridiculous hat.

He's the sickly member of the family, heart surgery before a year old,anemia, allergic to soaps,etc...

Speaking of weird allergies I went to school with this Chinese kid who was allergic to water. Nigga always carried and umbrella around with him.

Those are the kind of people that call their families "kin"

Lol and that’s a bad thing you asocial weirdo

Just amusing is all.

He has a point. Anyone using the term kin is either a Renaissance Faire sword swallower or a juggalo. Actually, I'm assuming there's a huge overlap.

I made Nana those pants out of an old tablecloth I found in a dumpster.

You all love my ac/dc shirt right

The gender ratio is true

Almost. Maybe if there were only like one percent of an entire woman there. Maybe just a lady’s finger.

I wore my best AC/DC shirt that day!

Salt of the earth

Bet that place smells like Virginia slims and dog piss

Bet the back half of the house is missing from when Cletus Jr’s shake and bake went wrong.

Many a beef jerky wrapper inside this residence

Roe Cumia in the middle.

For real though I'd pay to see a group portrait of all of us. Who even fuckin knows what this community could look like physically

obesity + autism convention

every person who's ever been revealed has been an aberration to god

Is granny spry?

Who get to go first

If someone told me any one of these were the late, great cbanks420lol, I would believe them.

Can’t tell if it’s start of some Granny gangbang or if it’s just a nice white trash family taking a pic.


I don’t see the difference

Pro rasslin' an nascar were parts of my "upbringin"

My mom won't let me go.

Fucking bitch.

Gotta appreciate the craftsmanship that went into figuring out the support structure for that deck though.

Yes, we enjoy mature women. So what?

Me and sams_seed were in the woods fucking at thetime of this pic

Jesus Christ, have some fucking self-respect and install your stolen cable TV properly.

Let's all thank Kyle's mom for hosting and bringing us Dew!!