Opie's cake stomp taught the homeless man an invaluable lesson

2  2019-07-17 by ILoveWhores69

MY BODY OF TEXT: The homeless man made bad decisions that lead to him sleeping 'rough'. Not homeless enough to make a cake, is he? Opie knows the struggle of pepperidge farm in cement bags, and could see through the facade. No free lunches here, pal. If you make the Opster a cake it better be better than that piece of shit. You've got to work hard to become not homeless. Sniff




"I earned that!"

You most certainly did not, Andrew.

His shoes always bothered me. Late fifties, ex hippie, boomer dad shoes. The kind that someone who loves blue corn chips would wear.

If you guys had any idea how much they took care of that guy you wouldn’t be running your cakehorns