Stupid wop trying to pretend he was a "kid" when we landed on the moon

18  2019-07-16 by AnthonyCumio


Holy fuck enough with the fucking moon landings already

He's always like "chinks and niggers didn't land on the moon" and forgets that neither did Russia or any other master race whites on the planet.

Even as a kid I knew how important this was & felt proud of our country.

...did it inspire you to knuckle down and study, Anthony? Or did you just goof off and claim credit for shit you had nothing to do with?

No education neccessary, white people are just innately capable of these kinds of things. Just think of the combined brainpower of the audience at the big jay roast.

He had a model rocket once...

....I mean, we both know where he shoved it.

Individually placed marital aids



His obsession with moon landings is fucking bizarre.

He's jealous that it's the one thing with craters that people enjoy looking at.

He's obsessed with the moon landing because his face resembles the surface of it.

Americans given a task & more than coming to the table with a successful program.

Except the main "Americans" that managed the development of the Saturn V were ex-Nazis who were later investigated for war crimes and subsequently renounced their American citizenship.

Ol' Ade really had a knack for scouring Europe and rounding certain folks up, for one reason or another.

Pretty sure only Arthur Rudolph renounced. von Braun died a US citizen.

I thought he was in his early 40s

What a fucking BORE this dummy has turned into. It's even worse if you read it as an attempt to troll the left. It would be about as toothless of a troll as his mouth is soon to be. Gummy, washed-up old man basking in obscurity can't even lift his arm to throw an internet punch anymore.

He so desperately wants someone to have a problem with it.

Sounds like someone’s a little UNH-FIIIIENDED.

He got lost

Claiming credit for something he had nothing to do with other than his filthy Italian mother shitting him out in the same country as other actually talented men.